Queen_BB User Guide

1. Introduction

Is keeping track of your upcoming tasks a burden? Fret not as Queen_BB is here to help!
It’s friendly chat-bot style interface makes task management as easy as talking to friend! Go ahead and say Hello to Queen_BB today!

Snapshot of Queen_BB

Snapshot of Queen_BB

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest duke.jar here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you wish to use.
  4. Open your terminal and type java -jar <path to jar file> and hit enter. The GUI will be displayed.
  5. Type a command in the text box and press Enter key. Queen_bb will respond accordingly. For example, typing list and hitting Enter will display all the activities the chatbot has stored.
  6. To know more about the various commands, refer to Section 3, “Features”.

3. Features

Queen_BB can store 3 types of tasks namely todo, deadline, event. The following are the key differences:

Task Creation

Queen_BB allows you to create a new task by simply using the todo, deadline or event commands. Every new task is marked as not done by default.

It will confirm the creation of a new task. If a task already exists, then a message regarding the same will be displayed.

Task Completion

A task can be marked as done using the done command.

Task Deletion

A task can be deleted using the delete command.

Display All Tasks

All the tasks can be easily seen using the list command.

Finding a task

A task can be found by searching for the related keyword using the find command.

Save All Tasks Locally

All the tasks in the list will be automatically saved in a .txt file.

Load All Locally Saved Tasks

All the tasks saved in the local .txt file will be loaded on launch.


Queen_BB bids farewell.

4. Usage

Create Todo

Create a new todo by typing todo <Task to be added>.

Eg: todo read harry potter

Expected output:

Got it. I've added this task:
[T][X] read harry potter
Now you have 1 item in the list.

Create Deadline

Create a new deadline by typing deadline <Task to be added> /by <DD/MM/YYYY HHMM>.

Eg: deadline finish CS2103T homework /by 12/12/2019 2359

Expected output:

Got it. I've added this task:
[D][X] finish CS2103T homework (by: Thu Dec 12 23:59:00 SGT 2019)
Now you have 2 item in the list.

Create Event

Create a new event by typing event <Task to be added> /at <DD/MM/YYYY HHMM>.

Eg: event Orbital Splashdown /at 12/12/2019 1800

Expected output:

Got it. I've added this task:
[E][X] Orbital Splashdown (by: Thu Dec 12 23:59:00 SGT 2019)
Now you have 3 item in the list.

Mark Task as Done

Mark a task as done by typing done <Task Number as per the list>.

Eg: done 2 will mark task number 2 in the list of tasks as done

Expected output:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[D][✓] finish CS2103T homework (by: Thu Dec 12 23:59:00 SGT 2019)

Delete a Task

Delete a task by typing delete <Task Number as per the list>.

Eg: delete 2 will delete task number 2 from the list

Expected output:

Noted. I've removed this task:
[D][✓] finish CS2103T homework (by: Thu Dec 12 23:59:00 SGT 2019)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list

Display List

Show all the tasks in the list.

Eg: list will display all the tasks in the list

Expected output:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [T][X] read harry potter
2. [E][X] Orbital Splashdown (by: Thu Dec 12 23:59:00 SGT 2019)

Find a Task

Find a task by typing find <Keyword> .

Eg: find read will filter all the tasks which contain the keyword cs2103T

Expected output:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1. [T][X] read harry potter


Queen_BB replied with a goodbye message on typing bye.

Eg: bye

Expected output:

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!